Hate Crimes Resources for AAPI
As COVID-19 cases in Southern California continue to rise, reports of harassment and assault against Asian Americans rise as well. According to Asian Americans Advancing Justice, it is estimated that over 2,000 discriminatory incidents have taken place since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, while Ipsos and the Center for Public Integrity report that 32% of Americans have experienced Asian individuals being blamed for the virus itself. If you have witnessed a hate crime or are a victim yourself and residing in Southern California, please refer to the resources below.
National Resource:
OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates is a national organization dedicated to advancing the social and political well-being of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. OCA has released a variety of resources including a crime report form and a list of pro bono legal resources.
- Report a Hate Crime with OCA: https://www.ocanational.org/aapi-hate-incident-form
San Diego Resources:
The San Diego District Attorney’s Office has established an online form and hotline in response to the increase of discrimination against Asian Americans in San Diego.
- Report a Crime to the San Diego District Attorney: https://www.sdcda.org/helping/hate-crimes.html
- Call the Hate Crimes Hotline at 619-515-8805.
Los Angeles Resources:
The Los Angeles Police Department has provided a list of organizations that work with discriminatory crimes against Asian-Pacific American communities and individuals. These organizations host local chapters where you can submit your report.
- Find Asian-Pacific American Resources: http://www.lapdonline.org/get_informed/content_basic_view/8814
- Report a Crime to ADL: https://www.adl.org/reportincident?_ga=2.97525661.30532665.1593206042-1020287524.1593206042
- Call Asian Americans Advancing Justice in English, Chinese, Tagalog, Thai, or Korean: https://www.advancingjustice-la.org/what-we-do/direct-services/allip
Orange County Resources:
The Orange County Human Relations Commission has provided an online form where Asian Americans in Orange County can submit their reports. During business hours, phone lines are available where you can speak to an individual to file your report. Should you call after business hours, leave a message and they will contact you the next business day.
- Report Crimes Online: https://www.ochumanrelations.org/hatecrime/report/
- Call to make your report: 714-480-6580.
COVID19 Resources
Despite the fact that hundreds businesses and venues in Southern California are reopening, COVID19 cases are still rising at an alarming rate. Remember to take all precautionary measures to keep yourself, and those around you, safe and healthy. Find more information on how to navigate COVID19 in San Diego on our website.